Wednesday 29 May 2013

Random Wednesday: I need to

So I’ve decided that every Wednesday I’m going to post something that’s.. well… random… haha But trust me, it will be interesting… I hope!! :/ 

So I’m going to name these post ‘Random Wednesday’ (as above). My plan is to just post my thoughts (which are usually random) on Wednesday.... Hence the name!!! haha.. Spontaneous post about... well... whatever!!  And this way I thought it sounded more interesting!! ;) haha… I just want this to be a fun area while also encouraging myself to blog more (hope this makes sense)!! Although I am unsure how often I will do these blogs or it may not even be a series of blogs!!? Anyway, let’s get into it!!!!

Ok, so latterly I’ve been telling myself “Sara, you need to read more!!”.. haha.. But I find it’s all been all talk no action!! So Today I thought I’d post this so that it will remind me and might just encourage me to actually read more!!? I actually started reading a book a few months ago, but had to stop as I got busy reading another book for school. But luckily I’ve gotten back into reading ‘Worship and entertainment’ by A.W. Tozer. And I’m so glad I’m back to reading it! It’s amazing and so inspiring!
I have a list of books that I’m planning on reading, but just been so busy with life that I can’t seem to find anytime! But lately I’ve really wanted to get back into my reading habit… So that is my goal for the next few months and so far I’ve almost finished the book by A.W. Tozer so the next four books I am planning on reading are:

Anne of green gables, by L.M. Montgomery
Inspired by Tozer, by Lauren Barlow 
Jakes choice, by Jim Britts
Multiply, by Frances Chan

I’m also thinking about doing a few book reviews later on in the year, so I’m pretty keen to do that

Sara-Jayne <3

P.S. What do you think about the title?? Yay or nay?!? Should I change it?? 

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