Wednesday 30 April 2014

Life in the Fast Lane?!....

It's funny how sometimes you just need to take a step back and just breath! Just stop, and smell the roses! Because life can often get so busy and full on it's hard to keep life balanced. Especially if that thing that is meant to be in the centre of it all has been pushed out of sight. Everything else has become your focus and what you need the most only gets a few minutes, maybe even not a few minutes, just a few seconds of your life. Everything else becomes a waste of time and you start to learn that you can't handle everything on your own. You find you're struggling and unable to see who you were made to be. You're left feeling confused, unsure about what went wrong and trying to fix your life.... Because... Other things in your life have clogged up God and pushed Him to the side of your life... Correction... My life!!

I was focused on things that I thought mattered and lost my total focus on God. I wasted so much time trying to fix my life and not stopping to allow Gd to just take over my life. For him to take my steering wheel. Because no matter how hard I tried! I can not do life on my own! As I fixed my eyes on God, I could, for the first time see healing and breakthrough. Life didn't become 'easier' over night! 3 weeks have gone and I'm just seeing the light.  I'm seeing breakthrough and seeing God work in my situation. I love how he turns all bad and hard situations into good!

But how can you balance it all and still staying focused on God?? Well I believe that If you keep your eyes focused on God and do all your everyday chores and hobbies by doing it all unto God, then He will help you and show you how to live your life. If you can't, then really maybe you shouldn't be doing that?! If you can't put God as the focus in everything that you do then maybe it's something you need to pray about!! Asking God what do I need to change and finding out what part of my life have I not allowed God in??!!

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. 

(This image does not belong to me)
We can give, give and give, but if we also aren't receiving from God, then we will eventually run out on things to give. As children of God we need to spend as much time with daddy God, learning, talking, listening and growing in Him! Mum is always telling me to think of life with a Learners plate. You're never going to stop learning! No matter what your doing or how high up you are in the church... You are still a learner! You are Growing in God's Image!

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