Monday 1 September 2014

Photo update - 4 more weeks to go!!!

We had Evangelism as the topic last week, which was so inspiring and challenging at the same time.  We went out to the city and performed a few songs on that Thursday morning. It brought a crowd and through that we were able to talk to a bunch of school kids from high school who were in the city for an assignment. It was really cool talking to them about having a relationship with Jesus and that God is our Father, as they all came from a catholic school. We were able to just hang out with them, encourage them and pray for them. It was amazing watching God work in their lives and seeing how engaged they were when we talked about God and shared our testimony.

Last week was a pretty hectic week with all the band practices we had, getting ready for our concert Saturday night. It was a great night full of music, dance and just a whole lot of fun! The place was full of singing a laughter as we entertained a few hundred people.

Meet my outreach team!!! Minus the staff as they forgot that we were taking outreach team photos, but don't tell them I said that... haha..... We've been praying a lot about outreach last week and this week as we come into week 9 of lectures. Praying about India and the Philippines, for safety, for what we specifically need to pray for over the nations, also praying to see fiances come through as many on my team are still trusting God for money.

Top to bottom, left to right: Hunter, Sydney, ME, Sarah, Jonny, Alaina, Sophia, Laurine, Shanelle and Lexi. Our outreach leaders will be Heaseung and Josh.

Hello from my school!!! 

I love these guys! I'm so blessed to have such an awesome, crazy group who are all so passionate for God. 

Meet Sophia (Front) from California and Sierra from Colorado. Top is Hunter From the GREAT nation of Texas, so he would say! As a band we would meet a couple times a week and practice our songs. We had to do two covers and write one song about either God's love or how He sees us. We did a cover to Fix you mashed up with Stay with me and we did Ed Sheeran's song I see fire.  

Getting ready for concert in 228 was a little crazy. Luckily our mirror is big enough for us, well most the time...

My girls!! This photo was taken on the concert night, as you may notice we are dressed up. These girls are gifted and amazing singers and I was so blessed to have them as part of my band members.

Thanks for Reading my blog. I hope you enjoyed these photos!!! 
God bless!!

Please keep me in your prayers also!!! 

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