Thursday 1 January 2015

DIY Memory Jars #twentyfifteen

Happy New Year!!!! It's now 2015 and 2014 has now passed.

Last year (Wow I can now say "twenty fourteen last year") I wrote down a bit of a resolution slash prayer. A resolution saying all I want to be, to be more loving, inspiring, generous, hardworking, kind, selfless, patient, compassionate, joyful, faithful, fearless and perseverance young women of God. Now looking over all I listed, I can now see the areas I have grown in by just getting closer to God. I prayed that my heart would become more like Ruths in the way of serving. Just like Ruth served Naomi, I want to serve God and others with that kind of selfless heart. I'm so grateful for how much growing and learning I have walked through over 2014.

This year I've decided I'm going to create a memory jar. I'm so excited as I've seen so many people create their own memory jars all over pininterest and instagram. I want to remember this year and what perfect way then to write it down.

Why not put together a jar that you can look back on. A jar where you can write down the joy and the amazing moments that made you smile in 2015. 

How to create a memory jar:

Step 1... Firstly find yourself a cute jar and why not decorate it!?!
Step 2... Place the jar, blank paper and pens ready to do step 3
Step 3... Every week or even everyday write down the best moment from that week/day. You can even add a little momentum to the jar, something you found that day.

Pin and share!!!

By reflecting over the week you'll realise how grateful and blessed you'll become. Taking a moment to list your favourite memories from that week you see the positive in your life. Even listing what God does in your life you will later see how much you have grown.

So why not take that moment in life to write down your memories?! To appreciate those little things in life and take a snapshot by writing down your memories.

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When you leave a comment it seriously makes my day!! :D I'll get back to you as soon as I can!!! Sara-Jayne <3

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